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Let your heart and brain do the changing for you
Tired of hearing these "reasons" for
Dyslexia, reading or learning difficulties?
They'll grow out of it
Behaviour problem
Could do better
Doesn't try
Just lazy
It's lifelong
Late starter
It'll just click

Were the same things said to/about you?
Here's the thing...

If reading improves with good teaching, it wasn't dyslexia. That's the definition.

If reading difficulties continue after six months of good teaching, and one-on-one support - it's Dyslexia

It's not laziness, or not trying. Usually they try harder than most (though they might have given up). So it won't just "click"​

It's not a behaviour problem (though their behaviour might reflect how they are feeling). ​

And it is only lifelong if you keep doing more of the same. It will be overcome with the right interventions.
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